Thursday, March 19, 2009


Yesterday Shawn refused to eat anything but a grapefruit for lunch. Said he wasn't hungry. I didn't think much of it, the boy likes to eat fruit. Later on that night the kids are complaining about dinner. Neither of them like Chicken Fettuccine with homemade Alfredo sauce. Summer eats hers fast so that she can have half a can of soda, and encourages Shawn to do the same "Just eat big bites! Don't eat one noodle at a time." She tells him. So Shawn hits me with, "Mom. You are just trying to make me fat!" I look at him and tell him that there is not one ounce of fat on his body and he smiles. (Turns out my 9 year old SON has an eating disorder) He tell me, "I know, that's healthy." and I said, "No, it is not healthy. You have to have some type of fat on your body. It's not healthy and it's not pretty to be bone stick skinny!" Some more random conversation, and Dusty tells him that if he tells me that I am fat anymore that he will kick his butt. Shawn of course tells him that he can't kick his butt, and starts taunting him. The boys then start wrestling on MY bed. I tell them to get out, I am going to get in the shower and in ten seconds I will be naked. (No 9 year old boy wants to see his "fat" mom naked!) They leave the room, and I start the shower. I still hear this commotion in the hall. I go out, look into the bathroom and see Dusty holding Shawn upside down with Shawn's head in the toilet and Summer standing by waiting for her cue to flush! Turns out Shawn left a big old turd in the bowl and forgot to flush, so swirly time. I turn around and shut the door and get in the shower. Typical Boys.


Brenda said...

poor shawn's getting picked on! keep putting his head in the toilet and he'll have more than an eating disorder. crazy house you live in, rachael.


Anonymous said...

I wonder if that would cure my kids from not flushing the potty! I sure hate going in the bathroom to find surprises in there.


Anonymous said...

Can I just tell you how incredibly not fat you are?! and ew... gross.


Katt said...

So not fat sister!

& Shawn must have got the no fat is healthy thing from his work out freak dad!

Fat is good, especially food with lots of fat!

Rachael Papes said...

I know that I am not fat. This is not to worry. It's still a joke to me that the kid even thinks that i am fat! Yes, I have some "jiggly" skin, but I haven't had to buy new cloths yet, so to me, I am still good.

The other sister said...

Boys are gross.
