Monday, February 9, 2009

Dusty finelly got a car this weekend 2002 WRX. And, it's blue! I love blue.
The drive way was quite colorful Sunday after Dennis (Dusty's dad) stopped by. We had the red rental, the blue wrx, the yellow truck and Dennis's green truck.

Sunday brought rain, which made my garage more like and indoor swimming pool.
But, I did start the painting. Primered everything, cieling, walls. I also got the actual paint on the Ceiling. Dusty and Dennis both wondered why I would bother to paint white over white. But, that primer will always look like primer to me. And yes, that is the RZR in the picture. Dusty would like to keep it in there. In a perfect would, we could. But, in a perfect world, the garage would never masquarade as a drapery workroom.

You can see the water puddling in if you look close. There is a retaining type wall on the east side of the house that was holding about 2 inches of water. It made it all worse. The garage drains into a corner, not out the door. We are going to break down that wall, and see if that helps at all.


Mr. Marshie said...

Nice choice in cars! The WRX is a fun, fun zoom zoom. It looks well taken care of. How many miles?

Rachael Papes said...

It's got 87000. I drove it all day yesterday. Very fun. It has a valve release on the turbo so it goes SHHH. (I don't know if it's really called a valve release) I love it. I love the way the turbo on my truck wistles though... Maybe I have an addiction...

Mr. Marshie said...

Yea, those Release Valves make a nice noise, as well as help with keeping a prompt and ready turbo boost. I keep mine stock, as I am planning on picking up an STi or two soon.

That mileage is low! That is awesome. I've got 63000 on my 04, and it runs great.

Love your baby-blue color. I say go masculine!