Sunday, May 8, 2011

Wisdom Teeth

Most recently, (Thursday) I took a trip to the dentist because my left wisdom tooth was coming down and I wasn't liking to move my mouth to much. The tooth wasn't new, it comes and goes, but the pain was. So, I opted to have it pulled. As long as it didn't take to much time out of my day, I was good to go. 1.5 hours later I was on my way back to the shop with instruction to not drink from a straw and to stay away from carbonated beverages. What?! Blue Monster and coke zero make up 90% of my diet. How as I to survive on water alone? I managed for a day and a half, but I'm back to filling my blood with the carbonated caffeine that I love so very much.
Summer asked me if the tooth fairy was going too come, so of course I asked the dentist if I could keep my tooth. Friday morning with the tooth in my purse, shawn was feeling upset that he was so far behind on his homework. I offerd to let him take my wisdom tooth to school so that he would have more wisdom. He just looked at me like I was crazy and said no thanks


Brenda said...

you crack me up. did the tooth fairy come? or are you keeping that around in case you need more wisdom


Shea said...

There aren't any pictures to go with this blog update. Lame. I want pictures of the dentist pulling your tooth.