I feel pretty good about being 30. There have been times when I have felt like a bad mom, a bad wife, and a terrible business owner. But, right now, at this very moment in time, I feel pretty good. I love my family. They are committed to helping me with work, and any other venture that I may take on. My kids are doing pretty good. Shawn and Summer are doing well in school. (they have had thier rocky moments) I have Dusty who is more of a partner then anyone that I have ever had. I couldn't ask for more then what I have. 30 is going to be the best ten years I have had yet!
You make 30 look good!! Happy Birthday, Rachael. Love you!
Happy Birthday, Rachael. Hard to believe you're 30! How did that happen? I'm still only 37?
Dude, we are going to ROCK our thirties! Yeah! We are cool! Yeah...
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